Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Yup, you read the title correctly. I'm going to post about what happened just so no one else has this happen to them. I was on my Instagram reading my comments, I  had just posted a photo. While I was on the app, I got a notification pop up to verify my phone number.  I didn't think anything of it because my best friend also has access to my insta. So I just figured that Instagram must be getting confused because of it. I tried not to do it because it sounded like a lot of work but I wouldn't let me access my Instagram without doing it. So I gave it my phone number and then I got a text from the number 326-65 with a text saying, "Use 104629 to verify your Instagram account." So I went back to the Instagram app and entered the number. I wasn't paying a lot of attention, I started to do something different on my phone. I was trying to share my most recent Instagram photo to my Pinterest and the photo wasn't there. So I went back to my Instagram and only my first posts were there. So I restarted my phone thinking it was just a momentarily glitch. When my phone turned back on, there were only my first 6 photos left. I called some people that I know and asked them to look at my Instagram to see if it was just my phone or not. And they all said I only had 6 photos left.

I was reading up on this, and this is happening to other people also. Instagram is trying to fix this and the cause isn't known.

So if you get this notification DON'T click it, clearly haha. I had over 100 photos and now I only have 6. I'm still going to post, I'm just going to start over. I just want to say that I'm not upset, I was just really confused.  I'm just going to look at this as a good thing. I have the opportunity to have a fresh start and it wasn't even my doing. I'm going to delete the last 6 photos just because they are old aren't overly relevant and just so my clean start can be completely clean! 

One other thing I learned my lesson on, is that after I would upload a photo on Instagram, I would delete it from my camera roll on my phone because I figured it was on the internet now so if I ever needed the picture I could go and screenshot it. Now I lost a lot of my photos because I did that. I still have some of them because they would be on my blog. But some of them I just don't have any more :( 

So please don't unfollow me, because I'm still going to be posting! And if you aren't following me, my user name is !! I'm also getting a new camera this week, so the quality should be going up as well which is exciting! 

I'm going to be more careful from now on. I changed my password and I'm going to be looking out for other things going on! Things are going to going back to normal now!  


1 comment:

  1. Hi, do you need to get your Instagram account verified. I recommend Mr James (Worldcyberhackers) through Gmail or WhatsApp :+12678773020. He helped me in getting my Instagram business account verified. His services was reliable and cheap. I am glad I met him. You can contact him if you need help. He will surely help you
