Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Joy That Makeup Brings

Not too long ago someone asked me if I prefer doing my own makeup or other people's makeup. I had never thought about this prior to being asked this question. I initially assumed I preferred to do my own. But the more I thought about it I realized I much prefer doing others more than my own. I love being able to help other people see their inner beauty. To study a face and be able to enhance their most beautiful facial features. It never ceases to amaze me how every person has a totally different face from one another. Certain techniques that look amazing on some face aren't as equally flattering on others. While switching techniques up and customizing a look to a specific person, to create a look for just them, I live for this.  We each have an individual face that God himself created. And we can enhance that with makeup; to help others achieve this brings me so much joy. We all have a unique beauty and I really love that. 

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