Friday, September 9, 2016

My 'Deleted' Instagram Pictures Magically Came Back!?!?

So... remember how I made a big deal about my Instagram pictures that got mysteriously deleted. Well.. They came back!!!! I have no idea what happened or how they came back. All I know is that they are back! Which is super exciting! Also, this is interesting because I made a big ole' post about having a clean start and just doing it over again. I don't have to start over anymore so I don't think going to by choice. Now my current goal is to just keep my content and quality up. So back the regular programming now! I have tons of ideas for blog posts/ possible upcoming video ideas!! But I would like to create content that everyone would be interested in, so if you have any suggestions/requests leave them in the comments down below or leave them on Instagram 
Have a wonderful day 

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